Apply for Data Governance Job

Full time
Work From Office
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Position Filled
Cyber Security
Listed on Jun 27, 2024

Job Description

4 to 6 Years Relevant Experience

  • Data Management/Governance Expert.
  • Prior experience in metadata management.
  • Knowledge on end-to-end lifecycle of Data.
  • Knowledge of data exchange/sharing tools and related processes is a bonus.
  • Experience in driving and implementing data governance activities within an organization using ANY tools or products available in this space.
  • Worked as part of data cataloging and governance implementation team at a mid to large size customer/organization.
  • Good knowledge on data management best practices as well as policies around data in terms of access management, storage, security, sharing, to name a few.
  • Ability to understand customer/end user need and define use cases.
  • Ability to identify opportunities for improvement, scaling, and adoption of data management tools like Data Catalog, Quality and Data Marketplace.
  • Ability to articulate, present and demo ideas and solutions to business stakeholders and lead workshops, as applicable.
  • Excellent communication skills to be able to establish positive working relationships with the business stakeholders.

Required Skills

  • Data Catalog
  • Quality and Data Marketplace

Hiring Process

  • Screening (HR round)
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Final HR round
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Position Filled
Relavant Jobs in Cyber Security
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Data Governance with 4 to 6 Years of Experience? Apply Now!


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